Year: 2014
Synopsis: Peter Parker a lone child discovers that his parents were in a horrifying plot to make mankind change. getting bitten by his fathers invention he develops super powers to tries to find answers to his whole life, try and juggle a relationship with his girlfriend and try and find the murderer of his uncle. (Fan Made Film)
Runtime: 2h 20min
Year: 2014
Synopsis: Peter Parker a lone child discovers that his parents were in a horrifying plot to make mankind change. getting bitten by his fathers invention he develops super powers to tries to find answers to his whole life, try and juggle a relationship with his girlfriend and try and find the murderer of his uncle. (Fan Made Film)
Runtime: 2h 20min
Once we heard about creating a fiction project for my university semester we got straight on to it. Fiction is the form of any work that deals, in part or in whole, with information or events that are not factual, but rather, imaginary and theoretical—that is, invented by the author.
Craig Ellis, Andrew Miles and Myself (Joey Lever) wanted to go beyond the typical teenage uni project so we did some research and saw some terrible handmade fiction projects. The ones we saw were either some kids in a lab creating a drug that sent people skits or alien contact in terrible clothing. There were also some good ones as well ranging from superpowers to made up psychological stories. After Searching youtube we found a video that is written and directed by Award-Winning Director Al White this video tells the story of Spider-Man. but unlike any other superhero movie, this seems very real. The dark and gritty tone to it makes it very realistic we all watched this and thought we could pull something like this off with the right equipment, story, and acting.
We had to come up with many things but the main one was the plot. After this we watched many fan films ranging from, Batman, Starwars to Assassins creed we got the jest of what was needed to make this successful; Know everything about the character. Even though I have basically lived and breathed Spider-Man since I was 6 we spent many hours researching Spider-Man incredibly in-depth on this things we didn't know |(Alternate takes/Other universes), We also decided to buy 8 comics so we know the complete origin of what the real writers wanted his life to be like then watch all four films (Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man 3 and the Amazing Spider-man) and saw the directors take on them.
Why did we decide to do Spider-Man?:
We wanted to take our skills further and really push ourselves for
this project, doing something that just got remade and has been
in our hearts for many years seems like a huge challenge for us.
Also, we could really turn it around i.e we have the freedom to
create a completely new story and if we pull it off as good as we
could I’m sure it will look good? Doing this would show off our
cinematography skills, VFX skills, editing skills, directing skills,
lighting skills, costume skills, acting skills etc.
Coming up with the Lost Cause "title":
Lost Cause was always going to be the title for the film, It was
loosely based off a rap song titled the same by an artist named
Hyperaptive. the story and wording always stuck out to me
and reminded me of a teenage boy with the world on his shoulders
choosing to no matter what do the right thing.
The Amazing Spider-Man: Lost Cause was the original title for the film
obviously based of the at the time Spider-man Reboot but after the title
was too long to write we got rid of "The Amazing" and replaced it with
"Incredible, Ultimate and Spectacular" But in the end kept Spider-Man.
After we got the idea of creating a dark and gritty Spider-man fan film we Now with the plot done, Characters selected, built an audience we had to find perfect people for the characters, we released the pictures on Facebook and got much positive feedback by received 200+ likes. With everyone happy about the choices we made we had to make sure they fitted the character profile we created. we found this hard because we will have to dye to actors hair to fit the real characters they are based off but in the end, we were fine doing this. Now we had everything together we had to think about creating posters and trailers for the film, we created pictures but didn’t want to release them until we were ready but the filming went fine and the trailer got much positive feedback
Once we released the trailer we got thousands of Spider-Man Fans wanting to help out or give ideas, so we were thinking of many ways to engage the audience into the film. One way was to show them all the shots of us filming or posters!
The one thing that really did take off was our competitions this made our facebook group HUGE - We got a total of 500+ Shares, 1k+ Likes and 2k+ Comments - I mean who would give up an opportunity to be in a fan film?
60+ Entries
We are creating a villain to work aside Norman Osborn. He will be Strong, have a grappling hook and smoke bombs. We need a name for the Villain! The winner will have it featured in the movie and credited!
40+ Entries
Parker needs help designing logos for his suit, In this Competition we want you to create a “Spider-Man logo” that we will draw and be featured as an un-used logo on this piece of paper in the official film.
200+ Entries
in Lost Cause we are going to have many Easter egg. these will appear throughout the whole film if you win your scene will be remade in the movie and you will be credited in the credits (has to be in the Marvel Universe)